Commercial Interior Photography

November 01, 2016  •  2 Comments

What takes technical skill, artistic ability, an understanding of architecture and a touch of magic?

Interior photography of course!

As a commercial photographer, I know how much goes into producing successful, high impact, professional interior photography. I also know that for many businesses, high quality and beautiful interior photography is absolutely essential to their image, brand, marketing and sales.


So this is a situation where an amateur approach simply won’t do.


If you’re in the hospitality sector, leisure, interior or office design or some retail industries, then interior photography may appear centre stage in your brochures, other marketing collateral and on your website. You may need to capture atmosphere. You may need to portray a feeling of space. It may be the contents of the room such as furniture and décor that need to come alive.


If you’re looking to entice someone to stay in your hotel or restaurant, visit your golf club, use your design service, rent or buy your property or view your selection of goods, it will be an awful lot easier if potential customers can see what you offer at its very best.


And by that I mean looking clear, crisp, detailed and magnificent with as full a view as possible and a strong clear focus on what you are wishing to sell. As opposed to dark and dingy; obscured views; objects poorly arranged, limited perspectives and a confusing focus.


So just how are these outstanding images achieved?

Well it’s through a complex combination of skills, knowledge, experience, patience both on-shoot and post-production. With experience probably highest on the list.


  1. Lighting, lighting, lighting. It’s the ability to look at a setting and understand what’s required; from the time of day which will offer the best lighting to how to use the existing light sources in the room. It’s the investment in light boxes, portable studio lights and other high quality equipment to achieve the right level of light. And it’s the artistic vision and interpretation of an interior to take a creative view on the type of lighting that will work wonders.


Changing the lighting can entirely alter the feel of a setting – bright or intimate; upmarket or casual; contemporary or traditional. And by changing the feel we can influence the brand – in turn improving your sales and commercial success.



  1. Architectural awareness. Sounds grand, doesn’t it? But an interior photoshoot will often have the challenges not faced by exterior or studio settings; existing structure in the form of walls, doors, windows and features as well as furniture and fittings.


It takes an experienced photographer to look at a room and instinctively know the best angles and perspectives from which to shoot. The room may need to look spacious, or cosy. The image may need to take in a lot of detail or a very wide view. We’re also great at spotting obstructions, moving furniture and items around and adding features where necessary to achieve the best visual impact. And the experienced photographer will know that it’s imperative to use a tripod, to ensure straight lines and crisp images.



  1. A sprinkle of post-production magic. Okay, it’s not really magic. But creating a panoramic look from a series of well-executed shots through ‘stitching’ them together post-production, is just one example of a pretty impressive feat that takes experience, time and skill.



The ability to use tricks of the trade and highly skilled production techniques opens up all sorts of exciting creative opportunities to present your venue in the most effective and fabulous way possible.


You’ll be stunned by what can be achieved by an experienced and skilled undertaking of your interior photography, and once you’ve seen the results, you’ll never look back.


If you’d like me to perform my magic, you can call me for a no obligation chat on 07767 776839 or email [email protected]  For more examples visit the Commercial Gallery in my website



Priya Dharshini(non-registered)
Amazing clicks! I like the way you have stressed Lighting here. Photographers does a great job in bringing out the best of the interior design.
Oscar Fernandez(non-registered)
WOW! Superb pictures. I love these so much
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